Three new entry points have been added to 4th Dimension 3.5.3:
#define kEX_SET_HOOK 168
#define kEX_4DPX_ATTRIBUTES 169
Note: These definitions are not present in the Ext4D.h file located on the Partner CD. You can add them in your own version of the Ext4D.h file. If you use the entry point kEX_SUBSELECTION_TO_ARRAY, you may also want to copy and paste this associated data structure definition:
// Array/Field couple list for kEX_SUBSELECTION_TO_ARRAY
typedef struct ArFldCouple {
UBYTE fArrayName[31]; // Name of the array
SBYTE fLocal; // 0 = Local variable, 1 = Process variable, 2 = IP Variable
SBYTE fFiller;
SWORD fFileNumber; // File number
SWORD fFieldNumber; // Field number
} ArFldCouple, *ArFldCouplePtr, **ArFldCoupleHdl
typedef ArFldCouple ArFldCoupleList[], *ArFldCoupleListPtr, **ArFldCoupleListHdl;