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Tech Tip: Form Scaling
Published On: March 2, 2001

In all versions of 4D, you can rescale any form by selecting the scaling option in the Form menu. This option allows you to enlarge or reduce the form size. Once the form has been rescaled, all elements on the form will retain their original proportions. However, the rescaling of pictures is optional. If the Rescale Pictures check box is not selected, then pictures will not be rescaled.

To rescale a form you must be in the Form editing mode. The rescaling process is done in the Form Scaling window.

In version 6.0.x, you can open the Form Scaling window by select the "Scale" option under the Form menu.

In version 6.5.x or 6.7, you can open the Form Scaling window by select the "Form Scaling" option under the Form menu.

For more information see the section "Managing Form Objects" in Chapter 4 "Form Editor Basics" of the 4th Dimension Design Reference.