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Tech Tip: The drag-and-drop of one array element from one array to another
Published On: February 14, 2002

Version: 6.5.x and 6.7.x

The following technique gives the user an ability to drag-and-drop an array element from one array object to another. It also allows the user to rearrange the order of the element by dragging and dropping an element within the same array.

In this example, three scrollable arrays are created.

Figure 1:

- Step1

Each object has the following options turned on in the Property List.

1. Dragable

2. Dropable

3. On Clicked (event)

4. On Drop (event)

- Step2

Declare a process pointer variable in the form method

For example:

If (Form event=On Load )


End if

- Step3

Place the following code in each Object Method of all scrollable areas

Case of

 : (Form event=On Clicked )


 : (Form event=On Drop )


  $InsertPosition:=Drop position

  ` the element is dragged and dropped within the same array

If (vArrayPtr=Self)

 If ($InsertPosition=-1) ` the element is dropped at the end of array

  $InsertPosition:=Size of array(Self->)+1

  INSERT ELEMENT(Self->;$InsertPosition;1)


  DELETE ELEMENT(Self->;Self->;1)

 Else ` the element is dragged and dropped on top of another element





 End if

Else ` the element is dragged and dropped from one array another

 If ($InsertPosition=-1) ` the element is dropped at the end of array

  $InsertPosition:=Size of array(Self->)+1

 End if

  INSERT ELEMENT(Self->;$InsertPosition;1)


  DELETE ELEMENT(vArrayPtr->;vArrayPtr->;1)

 End if

End case

Here are some examples of the expected behaviors

This is the initial state:

The following picture illustrates the result from a drag-and-drop of "Add" of Group1 onto "Lisa" of Group2.

"Add" then becomes the 3rd element and "Lisa" becomes the 4th element in Group2.

"Sam" is dragged from Group1 and dropped on top of "Add."

"Sam" and "Add" have switched their positions.

"Bob" is dragged from Group2 and dropped onto "Jane" in Group3.

"Bob" becomes the 2nd element, "Jane" becomes the 3rd element, and "Mary" becomes the 4th element in Group3.