Compatibility: 6.5.x , 6.7.x, and 6.8.x
If you need to determine whether a list item contains a sublist, this can be easily accomplished using the following command:
GET LIST ITEM (list; itemPos; itemRef; itemText{; sublist{; expanded}})
Parameter Type Description
list ListRef -> List reference number
itemPos Number -> Position of item in expanded lists
itemRef Number <- Item reference number
itemText String <- Text of the list item
sublist ListRef <- Sublist list reference number (if any)
expanded Boolean <- If a sublist is attached:
TRUE = sublist is currently expanded
FALSE = sublist is currently collapsed
By passing the optional parameter sublist it returns the list reference number of the sublist attached to the item. If the item has no sublist, subList returns zero (0).
Here's a sample of code:
$vlItemPos:=Selected list item(hList)
GET LIST ITEM (hList; $vlItemPos; itemRef; itemText;sublist;expanded)
If (sublist=0) `item has no sublist
`do somethting
`do something
End if