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Tech Tip: How to associate a 4D structure to the proper 4D application
Published On: July 2, 2002

Under Mac OS 9.x, files are associated to an application by the creator code. The creator code tells the OS which application to launch in order to open the file. This gives the user the ability to double-click a 4D structure and open the correct 4D application.

On Mac OS 9, by default, the creator code for:

4D Server is: 4D>6
4D Standalone is: 4D06

If you prefer to launch 4D Server when double-clicking on the structure, using Resedit you need to change the creator of the structure to match that of the 4D Server creator code.

Under Windows, files are associated to an application by its extension. To associate a 4D structure to the desired 4D application, open any folder, and hit folder options from Tools located on the menu bar. From there, click File Types from the tab options. Highlight the extension 4DB and hit advance. Hit Edit, and browse to select either the 4D Standalone or 4D Server application.