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Tech Tip: Tech tip for * vs. ^
PRODUCT: 4D | VERSION: 2003.3 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: June 17, 2004

A 4D Server is running with "Encrypt Client/Server Connections" turned on. Some 4D clients can connect by putting an * character in front of the server name, but other clients have to put a ^ character in front of the server name to connect. This will be the case if an earlier version of 2003.x client is used to connect to a version 2003.3 server. In 2003.3, the symbol was changed from a * character to a ^ character due to the fact that you cannot create files under Windows that contain the * character. The path file for secured dbs could not be created since the file would start with a * character. Before 2003.3, the 4D Client could not remember the latest secured connections performed. This was fixed by replacing the * character by the ^ character. If you are using 2003.3 for both Client and Server, the ^ character is used.