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Tech Tip: Turning spell checking on and off on the fly in 4D Write
PRODUCT: 4D Write | VERSION: 2004 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: January 24, 2005

4D Write 2004 now comes with a built in spell checker. You can turn on the spell checker option by going to File->Preferences and checking the option "Checking as you type" under the SpellChecker settings in 4D Write. However, you can also turn spell checking on and off on the fly by using the command "WR SET AREA PROPERTY" along with the "wr on the fly spellchecking" constant. In order to turn spell checking on and off programatically, the "Checking as you type" option must be checked. The code below demonstrates how to turn spell checking on and off using the command.

To turn off spell checking, call the following command:
WR SET AREA PROPERTY (Area;wr on the fly spellchecking ;0)

To turn on spell checking, call the following command
WR SET AREA PROPERTY (Area;wr on the fly spellchecking ;1)