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Tech Tip: Maximum size of incoming HTTP request via POST
PRODUCT: 4D | VERSION: 2004.1 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: March 10, 2005

Preferences at times may unintentionally change due to version upgrade of your database application or programming error, amongst many others.

One such case is if you notice that your web server no longer accepts certain POST requests. One reason could be that the maximum size of the incoming HTTP request is too small for the form being submitted. When a request reaches this limit, the 4D Web server will refuse it. To remedy this situation, first check the current maximum size with Get database parameter (Maximum Web requests size). Compare the value returned with the POST request size and see if the size set is too small. To set the maximum web request size, use SET DATABASE PARAMETER (Maximum Web requests size).

Note: Valid values are from 500,000 to 2,147,483,648. By default, the value is 2,000,000, i.e. a little less than 2 MB. This limit is used to avoid Web server saturation from requests that are exceedingly large. Passing the maximum value (2,147,483,648) means that, in practice, no limit is set.