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Tech Tip: Where to begin with DOM XML commands
PRODUCT: 4D | VERSION: 2004.2 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: July 29, 2005

The following example method demonstrates how to:

  • Create a XML root path

  • Create or find an element

  • Fill the element's value

  • Allow modification of the element's value through a user interface

The resulting file created will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>


 <myFirstChild FirstChildAttr="FirstChildAttrValue">FirstChildValue</myFirstChild>



  ` does the XML document already exist?
If (Test path name("mydocument.txt")=1)
$xmlRef:=DOM Parse XML source("mydocument.txt")  ` it does so parse its elements and get a reference
$docRef:=Create document("mydocument.txt")  ` it doesn't so create a document for storage later
$xmlRef:=DOM Create XML Ref("MyRoot")  ` start a XML root path (within 4D only)
End if

`get a reference to the element within the XML root path
$xmlElementRef:=DOM Find XML element($xmlRef;"/MyRoot/myFirstChild")  ` find a predetermined XML element
If (OK=1)
  ` element exists so get its value
DOM GET XML ELEMENT VALUE($xmlElementRef;$ChildValue)
  ` element doesn't exist, so create it, and return a reference to it
$xmlElementRef:=DOM Create XML element($xmlRef;"/MyRoot/myFirstChild";"FirstChildAttr";"FirstChildAttrValue")
DOM SET XML ELEMENT VALUE($xmlElementRef;$ChildValue)  ` store a value for the element
End if

  ` change the element's value
CONFIRM("Would you like to change the first child value?\nCurrent value is: "+$childValue;"Yes";"No")
If (OK=1)
$childValue:=Request("Please enter the new child value";$childValue;"OK";"Cancel")
DOM SET XML ELEMENT VALUE($xmlElementRef;$childValue)  ` change the element's value
End if

DOM EXPORT TO FILE($xmlRef;$documentPath)  ` store into the file
DOM CLOSE XML($xmlRef)  ` close the reference