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Tech Tip: Copying large numbers of methods from one database to another
Published On: January 27, 2006

During the development process a developer might need to test methods in a different database. This is especially true when new methods involve a programmatic creation of new tables and fields and the developer wants to test these new methods in a clean database. 4D Insider is an excellent tool for copying a large number of methods.

To copy methods using 4D Insider, first open both a source and a destination database. In the source database, click on the drop-down arrow on the middle tab and select the 'project methods' menu item. After the project methods are displayed, select all of them by clicking on the top method and holding down the 'shift' key while clicking on the bottom method. Finally, press and hold the 'Ctrl' key, and then drag the methods from the source database to the destination database. Holding the 'Ctrl' key overwrites the methods that have the same name in the destination database.