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Tech Tip: Setting the Minimum Height of a List Item
Published On: July 7, 2006

When 4th Dimension displays a list as a choice list, it uses the font size of the hierarchical list object to determine the vertical spacing between adjacent list items. If you use a list to specify the values of a hierarchical list, you can specify a larger vertical spacing. The main reason to increase vertical spacing is to provide additional space for icons that are attached to list items. This feature can also be used to simply spread out the list items. Instructions to change the minimum height of a list item are given in 4D 2004 and 4D 2003.

To specify a minimum height in 4D 2004:
1. Open 4D in Design mode.
2. Open the Toolbox in 2004.
3. Select the Lists Theme.
4. Select a list to modify its spacing.
5. Under List Properties, enter a value in points in the “Lines height” entry area.
The effects of this value are displayed immediately in the list of items area.

To specify a minimum height in 4D 2003:
1. In Design mode, open the List Editor from the Tools menu.
2. Select a list.
3. Select an item in the list to enable the “Min Height” entry area.
4. Under Current List, enter a value in the “Min Height” entry area.
The List Editor does not display the immediate results. The list spacing can be seen on the Lists page of the Explorer.