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Tech Tip: Changing a field into a Variable
Published On: October 30, 2006

You can also transform a field into a variable and vice-versa. This is useful when, after inserting a field in a form, you want to change that field into a variable because you don’t need to store the value.

When 4th Dimension changes an object into another object, it keeps the original properties of the object (coordinates, object method, appearance, color and so on). The data type assigned to a field will be kept for the variable: a picture field will be converted to a picture variable.

To change a variable into a field or a field into a variable:
1. In Design mode, open the Form editor.
2. Select the object and select Field from the Type drop-down list in the Property List ("Objects" theme).
3. The Property List is then updated to display the properties for that new object type. The object name, object method, and its properties (size, enterable and so on) remain identical.