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Tech Tip: Using Spell Checkers with 4D Write
PRODUCT: 4D Write | VERSION: 6.5 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: April 21, 2000

4D does not provide its own spell checker or dictionary. Therefore, if you are using 4D Write and wish to use a spell check tool, you will have to use a third party product. Some spell checkers that are compatible with 4D Write are SpellsWell, Spell Catcher and the Microsoft Word spelling checker.

Note: SpellsWell is no longer being sold.

You can get Spell Catcher at

From within 4D Write, once the spelling option has been selected from the Tools menu, you will be asked to select both a spell checker and a dictionary. If you plan on using Microsoft Word's spell checker, you will have to locate the Microsoft dictionary.

On a Macintosh the MS Word spell checker and dictionaries are located in:

Macintosh HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 98:Shared Applications:Proofing Tools

Under Windows the path to the MS Word spell check is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\Mssp232.dll

and the path to the MS Word English dictionary is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\Mssp2_en.lex