PLEASE NOTE: This Tech Tip applies to 4D Web 2.0 Pack version 1.1 and users of the 4D Ajax for Dreamweaver extension
Before you can work the the extension you must do the following:
1. Install the extension using the Dreamweaver Extension Manager.
2. Open Dreamweaver and create a new HTML Page.
3. Turn on the insert Toolbar so you can see the 4D Ajax Toolbar (View -> Toolbars -> Insert)
4. Next, Import your Structure using the Import Structure button.
5. Before you can use any Ajax Framework objects, you must insert a Login Object on the page.
6. After inserting the Login object you can insert other objects on your page. Please notice that each object generates the appropriate code in your source view. Inspect it and become familiar with it!
For the latest information the 4D Ajax Framework please see the Daxipedia: