Tech Tip: Events for the Data Grid
PRODUCT: 4D Web 2.0 Pack | VERSION: 1.1 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: August 29, 2007
PLEASE NOTE: This Tech Tip applies to 4D Web 2.0 Pack version 1.1
If you are embedding a 4D Ajax Framework (4DAF) Data Grid object into an HTML page, you can catch certain events to specify any actions that you wish. The DataGrid object currently supports two events: "onrowselect" and "onrowdblclick".
To capture the "onrowselect", define an event handling function as follows (in bold):
onAfterInit = function(){ myDataWindow = new DataWindow('Bookmarks', $('bookmarksDiv'), 'Type', 'URL@'); myDataWindow.grid.grid.onrowselect = function(rowreference){ // Do something }; }; |
To capture the onrowdblclick:
onAfterInit = function(){ myDataWindow = new DataWindow('Bookmarks', $('bookmarksDiv'), 'Type', 'URL@'); myDataWindow.grid.grid.onrowdblclick = function(rowreference){ // Do something }; }; |
For the latest information the 4D Ajax Framework please see the Daxipedia: