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Tech Tip: How to get a list of currently mapped drives into 4D on Windows?
PRODUCT: 4D Developer | VERSION: 11 | PLATFORM: Win
Published On: June 12, 2008

Windows operating systems have the ability to map network drives to logical drive letters. The following code shows an example of how to get a list of currently mapped drives into 4D. This particular example populates two arrays with the results. The UNCdrive_at array stores the drive letters and the UNCpath_at array stores the corresponding UNC path.

ARRAY TEXT(foundUNCs_at;0)
ARRAY TEXT(UNCdrive_at;0)
ARRAY TEXT(UNCpath_at;0)
$CRLF:=Char(Carriage return )+Char(Line feed )
LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS("NET USE";inputStream;outputStream;errorStream)

 ` put each line starting with OK into an array element
   If ($firstOK_l>$lastPos_l)
      APPEND TO ARRAY(foundUNCs_at;Substring(outputStream;$firstOK_l;($firstNL_l-$firstOK_l)))
   End if
Until ($noMore_t="yup")

 ` stip everything before the drive letter (13 chars in)
For ($counter_l;1;Size of array(foundUNCs_at))
End for

  ` Strip out "Microsoft Windows Network" from the array elements
For ($counter_l;1;Size of array(foundUNCs_at))
   $tmpPosFound_l:=Position("Microsoft Windows Network";foundUNCs_at{$counter_l};1;$tmpLengthFound_l)
   If ($tmpPosFound_l#0)
   End if
End for

  ` Split in to 2 arrays of drive letters and UNC mappings
For ($counter_l;1;Size of array(foundUNCs_at))
   APPEND TO ARRAY(UNCdrive_at;Substring(foundUNCs_at{$counter_l};1;2))
   APPEND TO ARRAY(UNCpath_at;Substring(foundUNCs_at{$counter_l};11))
End for   

` strip out the trailing white spaces from the UNCpath_at array elements
For ($counter_l;1;Size of array(UNCpath_at))
      $lastCharFound_l:=Position(" ";UNCpath_at{$counter_l};$tmpLengthOfUNC_l)
      If ($tmpTestThisChar_t=" ")
      End if
   Until ($continue_t="no")
End for