Tech Tip: Testing for success: SET QUERY AND LOCK
Published On: January 7, 2009
4D v11 SQL Release 2 introduces commands to lock the entire selection of records for subsequent queries:
Testing for success of these commands is a bit more complex than it might seem. Remember:
- Locks records for the duration of the current transaction.
- If a query fails (did not lock all records) the current selection will be emptied.
- However, the current selection may also be empty because the query did not return any results.
- If a query fails, 4D creates a locked records set ("LockedSet").
- The locked set only contains one record: namely the first locked record encountered.
- Therefore, to test for success, you need to check OK and the locked set. For example:
If ((OK=1) & (Records in set("LockedSet")=0))
` The SET QUERY AND LOCK succeeded.