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4D Summit: Outsourcing 4D Projects
Published On: October 7, 2008
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Outsourcing is about win-win situations. The customer wins, the contractor wins, and you win. Only if it was this simple, it is not. It is a complex relationship between code and design, what you said and what was heard, what you wanted and what you got, what you hoped for and what you settled for.
But if you are patient and persistent, and ready to redefine strategies and modify your goals, there is ample reward waiting for you that more than justifies the toil.

This material, and the session in which it is being presented, are based on the experiences of one company, i.e., Jin Technologies Private Limited. The information contained is derived from various information sources, combined with our experience of handling software-outsourced project since 1998. But this in no way represents an authoritative view on the complex topic of software outsourcing. Volumes of books, papers, blogs, and articles can be found on the subject. But the only to way really know what it is about is to test the waters yourself.

This session covers software outsourcing in general, but it also provides some valuable insights on the tricks and traps of software outsourcing with 4D as the tool of development. As such, there may be very few other places you will be able to find the information that is shared in this session.

Here is to celebrating a decade of 4D Outsourcing, and still going strong!

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