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4D Summit: Components in 4D v11 SQL
Published On: October 7, 2008
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Components have been around since 2000 (almost a decade). They are not drastically different in 4D v11. But the simple and elegant change of moving the component outside of the structure is what makes components so appealing in 4D v11. The structure can be kept "pure" with the components being upgraded or added at anytime.

This session will look at the features of components in v11. It is geared to get developers thinking about components in v11. This session will explore creating a component and then look at some development tools with components.

This session will not cover how to upgrade your components from 2004 to v11. There is a tech note, "Components in 4D v11 SQL" by Luis Pineiros, Tech Note knowledgbase reference #49123 that can be use for changes between components in 2004 to v11. Although it doesn’t address how to convert components there is enough information for the developer to create of check list of things to consider.

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