This tech tip demonstrates how to exrtact all URL addresses from text.
ARRAY LONGINT(posFound_a;0) ARRAY LONGINT(lengthFound_a;0) ARRAY TEXT(URL_a;0) C_LONGINT($start) C_TEXT($mySubstring) C_TEXT(stringNew; pattern) C_BOOLEAN($found)
$start:=1 $foung:=False
pattern:="(http|https|ftp)" pattern:=pattern + "\\://" pattern:=pattern + "[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+" pattern:=pattern + "\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}" pattern:=pattern + "(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?" pattern:=pattern + "([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\._?\\,'/\\+%\\$#\\=~\\:\\&])*" pattern:=pattern + "[^\\.\\,\\)\\(\\s\\']"
myString:="This is url1 and this is url 2" myString:=myString +" and and another email" myString:=myString + "" myString:=myString + "Subtotal.301-205861.en.html"
Repeat $found:=Match regex(pattern;myString;$start;posFound_a;lengthFound_a) stringNew:=Substring(myString;posFound_a{0};lengthFound_a{0}) If ($found) APPEND TO ARRAY(URL_a;stringNew) End if $start:=posFound_a{0}+lengthFound_a{0} Until (Not($found)) |
After executing this method the
URL_a array will be populated with all URL addresses. This pattern works with most common url addresses.
If the user wants to instead validate a URL address the pattern should begin with "^" and end with "$".