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Tech Tip: Using Autocomplete with variable parameter lists
Published On: September 24, 2010

4D v12 introduced an improved Autocomplete feature in the Method Editor. When using commands with variable parameters lists it is possible to get the "wrong" candidates for autocomplete sometimes. This is because 4D expects all available parameters to be included.

A good example of this is the 4D Command Open form window. The method editor's autocomplete feature is based on how many argument delimiters are present.

Since the expected first argument in the command is the table that the form belongs to, things have to work a little differently when using Project Forms, as they do not have a table to reference. When using Project Forms to get the correct autocomplete options to be presented in the choice lists the name of the project form must be preceeded with an empty argument as shown below:

Once all of the arguments have been entered the leading semi-colon delimiter needs to be removed to aviod a 4D error.