Tech Tip: Programmatic Table Definition for Replication
Published On: October 5, 2010
As mentioned in Tech Tip How to Build the Table Definition for a Replication, the table defintion for Replication-related commands must enumerate all fields. It can be quite tedious to manually type each field name into the SQL statement, so this Tech Tip demonstrates a technique to programmatically generate a table definition.
// If another table needs to be sync'd, add the name to this array. APPEND TO ARRAY($tablesToSync_at;"Groups") APPEND TO ARRAY($tablesToSync_at;"Members") APPEND TO ARRAY($tablesToSync_at;"People") APPEND TO ARRAY($tablesToSync_at;"Tasks") APPEND TO ARRAY($tablesToSync_at;"Meetings") $numTables_l:=Size of array($tablesToSync_at) For ($i;1;$numTables_l) $currentTable_t:=$tablesToSync_at{$i} // Build table definition for SYNCHRONIZE statement. $tableDef_t:=$currentTable_t+" ( " // All fields to be sync'd must be enumerated. Begin SQL SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM _USER_COLUMNS WHERE ( TABLE_NAME = :$currentTable_t ) /* SYNCHRONIZE doesn't really work with LOBs so don't sync these field types. */ AND NOT ( DATA_TYPE = 18 ) AND NOT ( DATA_TYPE = 12 ) INTO :$fieldNames_at; End SQL // Append the fields on to the statement. $numFields_l:=Size of array($fieldNames_at) For ($j;1;$numFields_l) If ($j=$numFields_l) $tableDef_t:=$tableDef_t+$fieldNames_at{$j}+") " Else $tableDef_t:=$tableDef_t+$fieldNames_at{$j}+", " End if End for // Table definition is complete End for |
Once completed the table definition could be used in a SYNCHRONIZE statement, for example:
$statement_t:="SYNCHRONIZE LOCAL TABLE "+$tableDef_t $statement_t:=$statement_t+" WITH " $statement_t:=$statement_t+" REMOTE TABLE "+$tableDef_t $statement_t:=$statement_t+" FOR REMOTE STAMP :remoteStamp_l," $statement_t:=$statement_t+" LOCAL STAMP :localStamp_l" $statement_t:=$statement_t+" LOCAL OVER REMOTE" $statement_t:=$statement_t+" LATEST REMOTE STAMP :latestRemoteStamp_l," $statement_t:=$statement_t+" LATEST LOCAL STAMP :latestLocalStamp_l;" Begin SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :$statement_t; End SQL |