4D has sponsored an Open Source project, with the goal being the PDO_4D driver, which can be installed in any web server that uses PHP and can be used to run SQL code and 4D methods.
Being that this is an open source project; there are a few differences between this and normal 4D product line.
The main page for the PDO_4D driver is at https://pecl.php.net/package/PDO_4D.
As an open source project anyone is able to checkout the source to make changes. The source for this project is hosted through svn.php.net at https://svn.php.net/viewvc/pecl/pdo_4d/.
Bugs and Feature Requests should be reported at https://bugs.php.net/report.php?package=PDO_4D.
The list of bugs is found at https://bugs.php.net/search.php?cmd=display&status=Open&package_name[]=PDO_4D.
The current Changelog is found at https://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=PDO_4D.