Tech Tip: PHP Parameter Size
Published On: November 9, 2011
When using PHP Execute the size of parameters passed must not exceed 64 KB. This can be a problem when using large amounts of text. One possilbe way to avoid this size limitation is to use a text file with the php command fopen in your script.
The following 4D code uses the PHP command ucwords to capitolize the first letter of every word in the $text variable.
C_TEXT($text;$result) $text:="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at neque libero. " $text:=$text+"Phasellus eget urna sit amet elit laoreet sagittis " PHP Execute("";"ucwords";$result;$text) $text:=$result |
However this will not work if the $text variable is larger than 64 KB in size.
The following 4D code combined with the PHP script utlizes 4Ds document commands to write and read a file that the PHP script will use to perform the same function as the first snippet of 4D code.
Please note: This 4D code uses the Get 4D Folder command, you can use any file path that you choose. The documents do not need to be in the Resources Folder.
C_TEXT($text;$accumulate;$newText) C_BOOLEAN($phpSuccess;$result) $phpPath:=Get 4D Folder(Current Resources Folder)+"textChangeFile.php" $docPath:=Get 4D Folder(Current Resources Folder)+"temp.txt" $docRef:=Create Document($docPath) $text:="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at neque libero. " $text:=$text+"Phasellus eget urna sit amet elit laoreet sagittis " $text:=$text*20000 SEND PACKET($docRef;$text) CLOSE DOCUMENT($docRef) $phpSuccess:=PHP Execute($phpPath;"foo";$result;"temp.txt") If ($phpSuccess & $result) $docRef:=Open Document($docPath) While (OK=1) RECEIVE PACKET($docRef;$newText;Char(Line Feed)) $accumulate:=$accumulate+$newText End while CLOSE DOCUMENT($docRef) $text:=$accumulate Else // PHP execute failed Alert("PHP Failed") End if |
function foo ($fileName) { $handle = fopen($fileName,"r+"); if ($handle){ $tempString = fgets($handle); $tempString = ucwords($tempString); $handle = fopen($fileName,"w"); $check = fwrite($handle, $tempString); fclose($handle); if ($check>0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } } ?> |