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Tech Tip: Keep users from logging in multiple times
PRODUCT: 4D Server | VERSION: 12.3 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: November 23, 2011

This Tech Tip discusses a way to keep users from being able to login multiple times when connecting to 4D Server.

Three methods will be created:
1. isLoggedIn
2. trackUser
3. removeUser

Each of the three project methods must have the "Execute on Server" attribute enabled in the method properties.

isLoggedIn checks if the current user is already logged in. If the user is already logged in, the method returns True, otherwise False.

`Method: isLoggedIn
`$1 - current username


If (Count parameters=1)
  $found_at:=Find in array(<>usersLoggedIn;$userName)
End if

trackUser adds the current username to the interprocess array <>usersLoggedIn. This is done to keep track of all users logged in.
`Method: trackUser
`$1 - current user


If (Count parameters=1)
  APPEND TO ARRAY(<>usersLoggedIn;$userName)
End if

Once a user quits the application, they need to be removed from the array <>usersLoggedIn. This can be done using the method removeUser.
`Method: removeUser
`$1 - current user


If (Count parameters=1)
  $found_at:=Find in array(<>usersLoggedIn;$userName)
  If ($found_at#-1)
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(<>usersLoggedIn;$found_at)
  End if
End if

Initialize the interprocess variable, <>usersLoggedIn, inside the database method On Server Startup.
`Database Method: On Server Startup
ARRAY TEXT(<>usersLoggedIn;0)

isLoggedIn should be called in the database method On Startup. If the user is already logged in, quit the application, otherwise add the current user's username to the array <>usersLoggedIn by making a call to trackUser. Also, if the user is already logged in, <>userConflict is set to true to make sure the user is not removed in the database method On Exit.
`Database Method: On Startup
$user:=Current user

If (isLoggedIn ($user))
  ALERT($user+" is already logged on!")
  trackUser ($user)
End if

When a user quits the application and <>userConflict is set to False, they need to be deleted from the array <>usersLoggedIn by calling the method removeUser.
`Database Method: On Exit
If (Not(<>userConflict))
  removeUser (Current user)
End if

Note: The above code does not handle unexpected log offs, such as a crash.

Commented by Randy Crawford on November 29, 2011 at 2:54 PM
Another possible solution to this is to create a record in a "User" table upon log in. This record stays loaded (and locked) the entire time the user is logged in. You can test the status of this record whenever a user logs in. If it is locked, you can deny access. If the user logs off or crashes out, this record is released and is available as soon as the user tries to log back in.