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Tech Tip: Table numbering
Published On: July 13, 2012

The table number is incremented every time a table is created, it is a sequence of numbers. For example, the first table created is given the table number 1, the second is 2, the third is 3 and so on. If a table is deleted, the table numbers are not renumbered for stability reasons. However, one thing to note is that table numbers are reused once a table has been permanently deleted, reusing the highest number first.

Note: Permanently deleting a table actually removes the table and its data from the database, whereas a non-permanent deletion puts the table in the Trash and may be recovered.

Here is an example:
Table_1 is created and assigned the table number 1
Table_2 is created and assigned the table number 2
Table_3 is created and assigned the table number 3
Table_4 is created and assigned the table number 4
Table_3 is permanently deleted
Table_1 is permanently deleted
Table_5 is created and assigned the table number 3
Table_6 is created and assigned the table number 1