Tech Tip: Utility method to resize list box columns proportionally
Published On: October 13, 2012
When resizing list boxes, only the last column grows. This Technical Tip describes a way to have all columns of a list box grow proportionally.
Here is a method that resizes the columns of a list box:
// ---------------------------------------------------- // Method: LISTBOX_RESIZE_COLUMN // Description // Resize all columns in a list box proportionally // Parameters // $1 (Pointer) - Pointer to a list box variable // $2 (Pointer) - Pointer to array tracking the width of columns in the list box // $3 (Pointer) - Pointer to longint variable tracking the width of the list box // ---------------------------------------------------- C_POINTER($1;$listBox_p) C_POINTER($2;$colWidthArr_p) C_POINTER($3;$LB_width_l) C_LONGINT($numColumns_l;$newColumnWidth;$i) C_LONGINT($left;$top;$right;$bottom) If (Count parameters>=3) $listBox_p:=$1 $colWidthArr_p:=$2 $LB_width_l:=$3 $numColumns_l:=LISTBOX Get number of columns($listBox_p->) LISTBOX GET ARRAYS($listBox_p->;arrColNames;arrHeaderNames;arrColVars;\ arrHeaderVars;arrColVisible;arrStyles) OBJECT GET COORDINATES($listBox_p->;$left;$top;$right;$bottom) $LB_newWidth:=$right-$left For ($i;1;$numColumns_l) $colWidthArr_p->{$i}:=Round($colWidthArr_p->{$i}*\ ($LB_newWidth/$LB_width_l->);0) LISTBOX SET COLUMN WIDTH(arrColVars{$i}->;$colWidthArr_p->{$i}) End for $LB_width_l->:=$LB_newWidth End if |
Since the columns of a list box can be resized and moved, here is a method to track the width of the columns given a pointer to the list box and a pointer to an array.
// ---------------------------------------------------- // Method: LISTBOX_MANAGE_COL_SIZE // Description // Tracks the width of columns in a list box // Parameters // $1 (Pointer) - Pointer to list box variable // $2 (Pointer) - Pointer to array tracking the width of columns in the list box // ---------------------------------------------------- C_POINTER($1;$listbox_p) C_POINTER($2;$colWidthArr_p) C_LONGINT($numColumns_l) If (Count parameters>=2) $listbox_p:=$1 $colWidthArr_p:=$2 LISTBOX GET ARRAYS($listbox_p->;arrColNames;arrHeaderNames;arrColVars;\ arrHeaderVars;arrColVisible;arrStyles) $numColumns_l:=LISTBOX Get number of columns($listBox_p->) For ($i;1;$numColumns_l) $colWidthArr_p->{$i}:=LISTBOX Get column width(arrColVars{$i}->) End for End if |
Below is an example of how the array to track the width of the columns can be created and passed into the LISTBOX_MANAGE_COL_SIZE method. The following code should be placed in the list box form method.
Case of : (Form event=On Load) C_LONGINT(LB_numColumns_l) LB_numColumns_l:=LISTBOX Get number of columns(List Box) ARRAY LONGINT(arrColWidth;LB_numColumns_l) LISTBOX_MANAGE_COL_SIZE (->List Box;->arrColWidth) : (Form event=On Column Resize) LISTBOX_MANAGE_COL_SIZE (->List Box;->arrColWidth) : (Form event=On Column Moved) LISTBOX_MANAGE_COL_SIZE (->List Box;->arrColWidth) End case |
Whenever the form is resized, call the method LISTBOX_RESIZE_COLUMN, passing in a pointer to a list box variable, a pointer to an array containing the widths of the list box columns, and a pointer to a variable tracking the size of the form.
Case of : (Form event=On Load) C_LONGINT(LB_Width_l) OBJECT GET COORDINATES(List Box;$left;$top;$right;$bottom) LB_Width_l:=$right-$left : (Form event=On Resize) LISTBOX_RESIZE_COLUMN (->List Box;->arrColWidth;->LB_Width_l) End case |