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Tech Tip: v14 and auto upgrading merged apps from v13
Published On: March 14, 2014

In v14, we generate a pseudo update package which looks like a v13 package for v13 clients, but is in fact v14 package built to look like v13 package (sort of hybrid package). The result is that a v13 client will download this, will upgrade itself to v14, and restart. Upong restart, a second update is systematically performed to complete the migration to v14. This two-step migration is necessary because we have changed the structure in the v14 4D client engine. It saves developers having to publish two updates, at the cost of having bigger server applications.

  • is the historical name of client update package for Windows. This is used for upgrading merged clients from v13 on Windows.

  • archive.mac is the historical name of client update package for Mac OS X. This is used for upgrading merged clients from v13 on Mac OS X.

  • is the new names of the client update package for Windows. This is used for upgrading merged clients from v14 on Windows.

  • update.mac.4darchive is the new names of the client update package for Mac OS X. This is used for upgrading merged clients from v14 on Mac OS X.

The generation of the hybrid package generation is always on by default when using the UI, but it can be disabled via the following key in the buildapp XML:

<BuildV13ClientUpgrades>False</ BuildV13ClientUpgrades>