When Using the new JSON conversion commands to convert objects to JSON and JSON to objects, 4D will modify the result based on the time zone offset that the local machine is set to.
For example converting the date !23/08/2013! gives you "2013-08-22T22:00:00Z" in GMT format for the JSON when the operation is performed in France during Daylight Savings Time (GMT+2). This is because the local machine is seen as being 2 hours ahead of GMT so it subtracts to hours assuming the JSON will be uploaded to a global server and sent somewhere else where 4D will reinterpret the JSON with the time conversion to display the correct time for the other client in refference to their location.
This may not be desired in some cases and to disable this feature the SET DATABASE PARAMETER() command must be used to disable this behavior.
The default setting has the parameter set to 1 for active, taking the time zones into account. To deactivate call the command which sets the parameter to 0 to disable the time zone conversion. This command will need to be called at the start of every session.
After using the command the conversion of !23/08/2013! will then give you "2013-08-23T00:00:00Z" in JSON format. Thus as long as none of the clients and users have this setting on, the time displayed will all be the same.