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4D Summit: [4D Summit 2013] Configurable Entry Forms Using hmReports and Object Duplicate
Published On: July 15, 2014
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One of the fantastic commands available in 4D is OBJECT DUPLICATE. This command is the foundation of any truly dynamic, procedural interface. Imagine providing users the ability to create their own interfaces. Imagine allowing users to focus on the data they need to get the job done. With OBJECT DUPLICATE and hmReports this fantasy becomes reality.

In this session, you will learn what it takes to create a fully customizable interface module design specifically for the end user. Users can add various active objects to forms including fields, dates and pickers, dropdown lists, combo boxes, and enterable text areas. Additionally, they can create rectangles, lines, circles, static text objects, and import pictures to display statically on form. It even supports multiple page forms!

Presented by: Cheryl Michels - President, Dataworks Development, Inc.