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Tech Tip: Enabling and Using User Settings
Published On: January 21, 2015

4D has a User settings feature that provides a Structure settings window with less access so that users can have the freedom of modifying the settings to optimize their setup. To activate this feature it must first be set in the Database Settings under the Security Tab as shown below.

In design mode the Menu Bar >Design > Database Settings... item will become a submenu containing two items: Structure settings and User Settings.

The Structure Settings is the normal Database Settings while the User Settings is a more restricted version of the database settings.

To open the User Settings in the application the OPEN SETTINGS WINDOW command can be called passing the third parameter as a 1.

These settings are useful to provide for users because of the following case:
A user has changed the Database/Structure settings from the default settings that the developer provides. When an update is released, the Database/Structure settings that the developer set with the update replaces the user's changes. However, User settings takes precedence over the new structure settings and will allow users to maintain their settings after updates.