When modifying and using the BuildApp.xml file to prepare for building a database the naming convention of paths should end in a Folder separator chacter to prevent any issues from occuring. This is important for the paths to the 4D Server folder location and the 4D Volume Desktop location of the non-native OS.
The file separator character for Windows is the back slash character "\" and the file separator chacter for Macintosh is the colon character ":".
If the path to the 4D Server does not end in a file separator, for example: "...4D Server" instead of "...4D Server\" on Win or "...4D Server:" on Mac
The following error will appear when building:
If the path to the 4D Server does not end in a file separator for example:
"...4D Volume Desktop.app" instead of "...4D Volume Desktop.app\" on Win or
"...4D Volume Desktop" instead of "...4D Volume Desktop:" on Mac
The following error will appear when building (This is the Windows error):
The other paths are more lenient allowing for the file separater to be left out (such as Native OS Volume Desktop location and Build location) however it should be included to be safe.