Tech Tip: Querying the same column multiple times
Published On: September 21, 2016
It is possible to perform a query on the same column multiple times to get different sets of results. Due to the types of joins needed this can only be done with v15R4 and above. In v15R4 extended support of outer joins were added which is needed in the query used to query a single column more than one time.
Below is an example of some tables and data.
[Persons] RECORDS:
[Event] RECORDS:
To query the [Event] table multiple times on the EventCompleted field the following query will be used to dynamically generated a liftbox:
Begin SQL SELECT Person.ID AS ID, Person.Name AS Name, Event1.EventCompleted AS Bench, Event2.EventCompleted AS Squat, Event3.EventCompleted AS Deadlift FROM Person LEFT JOIN Event AS Event1 ON Event1.PersonID=Person.ID AND Event1.EventName='Bench' LEFT JOIN Event AS Event2 ON Event2.PersonID=Person.ID AND Event2.EventName='Squat' LEFT JOIN Event AS Event3 ON Event3.PersonID=Person.ID AND Event3.EventName='Deadlift' INTO <<vlistbox>> End SQL |
Running the command above on a listbox assigned to the vlistbox process variable will result in the following:
As seen the single query above allows the [Event]EventCompleted column to be accessed multiple times for a single row of data.
More on the Support of Joins with v15R4: