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Tech Tip: Form Editor Shift Key
Published On: February 14, 2017

In 4D, holding down the Shift Key can help with placement and resizing of form objects. Holding down the shift key will lock the modification to one of three possible axis of dirrections, horizontal, vertical and diagonally at a 45 degree angle. As long as the shift is held down, the change of the object will be locked to travel only along one of the three axis, which ever one the mouse is closest to.

When creating or resizing an object and holding down the shift key, those that require a height and width of 1 minimum will only move along the diagonal axis creating a pefect square sized object. Objects that do not, such as lines, are able to be created in any of the three axises. These can help with resizing and positioning of for objects. Below are some examples.

Button is locked to resize along the diagonal axis creating a perfrect square.

Line is locked to horizontal axis and does not end where mouse cursor is.

Line is locked to vertical axis and does not end where mouse cursor is.

When moving an object it will be locked along either the horizontal or the vertical axis.

Second Object only moves horizontally and maintains same vertical position.

Second Object only moves vertically and maintains same horizontal position.