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Tech Tip: Comparing two arrays of any types
Published On: May 10, 2017

The method below is a way of comparing two arrays using the Json command JSON Stringify array and SHA1 message-digest algorithm through Generate digest. This method will return a boolean as a result.

Json is used in the method to compare two arrays when both are text array or object array. Because Json is not case sensitive . The SHA1 will be used for the rest The array Type.

// Method name        : comparearray

// Method description : Method will compare two arrays and return True if they are identical if not return False
// input :
// $1 (POINTER ) - Pointer on Array
// $2 (POINTER ) - Pointer on Array
// output :
// $0 - return a boolean


 If (Size of array($1->)=Size of array($2->))

  SORT ARRAY($1->;>)

  SORT ARRAY($2->;>)

  If(((Type($1->)=Text array)&(Type($2->)=Text array))|((Type($1->)=Object array) & (Type($2->)=Object array)))

   $0:=(JSON Stringify array($1->)=JSON Stringify array($2->))



   VARIABLE TO BLOB($1->;$blb1_x)

   VARIABLE TO BLOB($2->;$blb2_x)

   $digest1_t:=Generate digest($blb1_x;SHA1 digest)

   $digest2_t:=Generate digest($blb2_x;SHA1 digest)


  End if

 End if

Exemple of usage :

 ARRAY TEXT (tb1;1)
 ARRAY TEXT (tb2;1)


 comparearray (->tb1;->tb2)

Commented by Alberto Bachler Klein on May 24, 2017 at 7:49 AM
Be aware of this limitations: - if the two arrays have same element values in different positions they are still considered identical - the arrays are returned sorted after the call to this method - comparison is not case sensitive for text and object arrays - arrays of different types with 0 elements are considered identical - pointer arrays are not supported (i thinkā€¦)