Tech Tip: Checking the size of all tables
Published On: May 14, 2018
The following method can be used to quickly obtain the total size (in megabytes) of all records in each table (ignoring Object fields).
C_LONGINT(tID;fID) C_REAL($result_in_mb;$byte_per_bits;$megabyte_per_bytes;result_in_bits) $byte_per_bits:=1/8 $megabyte_per_bytes:=1/1048576 // get table names ARRAY LONGINT(al_tables;0) Begin SQL select TABLE_ID from _USER_TABLES into :al_tables; End SQL // loop over tables For ($a;1;Size of array(al_tables)) C_TEXT(currentTable) tID:=al_tables{$a} currentTable:=Table name(tID) ARRAY LONGINT(al_fields;0) // get fields for current table Begin SQL select COLUMN_ID from _USER_COLUMNS where TABLE_ID = :tID into :al_fields; End SQL // build SQL statement $sql:="SELECT SUM (" For ($b;1;Size of array(al_fields)) fID:=al_fields{$b} if(Type(field(tID;fID)->)#Is object) $sql:=$sql+"BIT_LENGTH (["+Field name(tID;fID)+"])" If ($b<Size of array(al_fields)) $sql:=$sql+" + " End if end if End for $sql:=$sql+") FROM ["+currentTable+"] INTO :result_in_bits;" // execute built sql statement Begin SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :$sql; end sql // calculate and alert the result $result_in_mb:=result_in_bits*$byte_per_bits*$megabyte_per_bytes $msg:=currentTable+" is "+String($result_in_mb)+" MB" alert($msg) End for |
When execute, the method above will present an ALERT for each table, notifying the user how much data is stored in that particular table (ignoring Object fields).