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Tech Note: 4D Mobile Exchange Data using Collection
Published On: July 20, 2018

4D V16R4 introduced a new variable type called Collection. A collection can store any kind of variables (with a few exceptions) like text, numbers, objects and even collections, and allows mixed types of variables inside a same collection. In addition, collections can be accessed using object notation, which paves the path for future incorporation with selections using ORDA. When used in 4D Mobile, collection can serve as a better choice than array to transfer data, especially mixed types of data, to Wakanda. 4D collection is automatically converted into array in Wakanda and vice versa. 4D collection has similar architecture and features to entity collections and arrays in Wakanda including object notation access, querying, and member functions. This makes managing data and developing business logic in 4D Mobile applications easier with collections. This tech note is designed to introduce the power of using collections to manage data in 4D Mobile applications, as well as demonstrating the new features of collection with use cases in both 4D and 4D Mobile. All features presented in this tech note and included sample applications are available in 4D V17 and Wakanda 2.5.0.

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