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Tech Note: 4D Mobile Exchange Records using Collection
PRODUCT: 4D Mobile | VERSION: 17 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: September 27, 2018

4D V17 has introduced a new approach to retrieve and handle record selections using ORDA, the Object-Oriented approach to access database and build application. In addition to entity selections, 4D V17 also enhanced the new variable type Collection with the ability to store objects representation of records. A collection of records can be easily retrieved using the new member function of entity election. A collection can be returned to 4D Mobile and processed as JavaScript Array without conversion. Using collection is a new and efficient approach for 4D to return and receive multiple selections of records and making changes to them in 4D Mobile application because it is not bound to current selection. This tech note will introduce the new features and demonstrate the exchange of record collection between Wakanda and 4D. The sample database and solution are developed using 4D V17 and Wakanda 2.6.0.

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