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Tech Tip: Antivirus Exclusions for 4D and 4D Server
Published On: November 8, 2018

It is important to make sure that 4D and 4D Server has instant access to the file system being used on the machine. Using a realtime scanner or network packet inspection can hurt performance and in some cases even cause major issues such as crashes or client disconnections.

If you are running antivirus or network security software it would be important to make sure that exclusions are in place for the files and folders used by 4D.

At minimum, the following should be excluded from any realtime scanning:

Files that should be writable without delay by 4D Server or 4D Local:

  • Structure (*.4DC) or (*.4DB)
  • Data (*.4DD)
  • Structure index (*.4Dindy)
  • Data index (*.4Dindx)
  • Journal file (*.journal)
  • Match file (*.match)
  • Resources (*.RSR)

Folders that should be writable without delay by 4D Server or 4D Local:
  • Data folder and subfolders
    • Temporary files can be created here
    • Folder_Reports
  • Backups Folder
  • Plugins folder
    • a cache folder is created by 4D Server of the plugins
  • Components folder
    • a cache folder is created by 4D Server of the plugins
  • Resources folder
    • if your application modifies the resources