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Tech Note: A Look at The Features of 4D View Pro
PRODUCT: 4D View Pro | VERSION: 17 R | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: January 30, 2019

4D databases can contain a large amount of data. To utilize the data, it can be useful to have control over how the data is displayed to a user. One of the features that 4D provided, to display data with control over it, is 4D View. Moving forward, to meet the changing standards of hardware and software, a new set of features called 4D View Pro was created with the goal of fulfilling the typical uses of the legacy 4D View and attempting to improve on them.
This Technical Note will explore the features of 4D View Pro as of v17R4. 4D View has multiple targeted uses, and as such 4D View Pro provides several features to attempt to allow implementations of these uses and more. Examples and explanations on how to use 4D View Pro and implement some features will be provided along with a sample database with some demos of the features.

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