Tech Tip: Utility Method to Convert Web Variables to Object
Published On: November 7, 2019
When building a web application with 4D, sometimes it is necessary to get user input from a query string or data form, so that the information can be saved to the database as a new entity. Before the entity can be created, however, the data should be converted into an object.
Below is a method to extract the information using WEB GET VARIABLES and to convert the data into an object.
// ---------------------------------------------------- // Method: // webVariablesToObject // // Description: // Extracts web variables into text arrays and returns an object // with Name:Value pairs. // // Parameters: // N/A // ---------------------------------------------------- C_OBJECT($0;$webVars_o) ARRAY TEXT($varNames_at;0) ARRAY TEXT($varValues_at;0) WEB GET VARIABLES($varNames_at;$varValues_at) $webVars_o:=New object For ($i;1;Size of array($varNames_at)) $webVars_o[$varNames_at{$i}]:=$varValues_at{$i} End for $0:=$webVars_o |
For example, if a user inputs values for "varName1" and "varName2" as "varVal1" and "varVal2", respectively, then the object that the above method would return would look like this:
{"varName1":"varVal1", "varName2":"varVal2"}
Then, it's just a matter of mapping the name/value pairs from the object to a new entity by using entity.fromObject() and saving that new entity to the database.