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Tech Tip: OBJECT SET CORNER RADIUS in project database
Published On: July 13, 2020

The command OBJECT SET CORNER RADIUS modifies the radius of corners for rounded rectangle objects. This is typically used in binary databases to dynamically set the value of corner radius for rounded rectangles. In project databases, the rounded rectangle object does not exist, but there is still a way to use OBJECT SET CORNER RADIUS on rectangle objects. The key is that the rectangle's JSON object needs to have a "borderRadius" property first. When a new rectangle is created in project database, it does not have this property, but if you change the "Corner Radius" value in the property list of the object to a non-zero value, the "borderRadius" property will be automatically added to its JSON object. This is confirmed by the "Corner Radius" property being bolded.

Alternatively, you can manually add the "borderRadius" property to its JSON object inside the project folder. Once the "borderRadius" property is added, you may change the Corner Radius property back to 0.