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Tech Note: Applying and Managing Styles in 4D Write Pro
PRODUCT: 4D Write Pro | VERSION: 18 R3 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: July 27, 2020

4D Write Pro provides word processor features to 4D. An important feature of word processors is the ability to apply styles to the document for visual appeal or to influence how the reader ingests the information provided, as demonstrated by the bolded words which should have stood out. With word processors, the styles are typically applied through user interaction on the toolbar, keyboard shortcut, or contextual menu. These features are also available in 4D Write Pro, however, a design choice available with 4D Write Pro is to build documents procedurally. This also means that styles can be applied to the documents procedurally. This technical note will go over how styles and style sheets work in 4D Write Pro and how to use it. A sample database demonstrating the features will also be provided.

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