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Tech Tip: Utility Method to Find Pointer in Collection
Published On: June 14, 2021

Pointers are not allowed to be passed as the search expression in collection.indexOf(). This is a utility method that finds the index position of the first found occurance of the pointer or pointer value in a collection. If no found occurances are found, it returns -1. The method accepts four parameters.

- $1 (Collection) = Accepts the collection to search
- $2 (Pointer or Variant) = Accecpts the pointer or pointer value to search for
- $3 (Longint) = Index to start the search at
- $4 (Longint) = Specify if searching for pointer or pointer value. Pass 1 to search pointer. Pass 2 to search pointer value
- $0 (Longint) = Returns the index position of the first matching pointer or pointer value. If no matches were found, returns -1

//NAME: Util_FindPtrInCol
//DESCRIPTION: Method finds the first occurance of the matching pointer or pointer value in a collection

// - $1 (Collection) = Accepts the collection to search
// - $2 (Pointer or Variant) = Accecpts the pointer or pointer value
// - $3 (Longint) = Index to start the search
// - $4 (Longint) = Specify if searching for pointer or pointer value. Pass 1 to search pointer. Pass 2 to search pointer value
// - $0 (Longint) = Returns the index position of the first matching pointer or pointer value. If no matches were found, returns -1
C_COLLECTION($1; $col)
C_VARIANT($2; $item; $ptrContent)
C_LONGINT($3; $4; $0; $start; $found; $i)


Case of
   : ($4=1) //searches for pointer
      If (Value type($2)=Is pointer)
         For ($i; $start; $col.length-1)
            If (Value type($col[$i])=Is pointer)
               If ($col[$i]=$ptr) //searches for pointer
                  $i:=$col.length //break for loop
               End if
            End if
         End for
      End if
   : ($4=2) //searches for value of pointer
      For ($i; $start; $col.length-1)
         If (Value type($col[$i])=Is pointer)
            If (Value type($col[$i]->)=Value type($ptrContent))
               If ($col[$i]->=$ptrContent) //searches for content of pointer
                  $i:=$col.length //break for loop
               End if
            End if
         End if
      End for
End case


Here is an example of calling this method.
$var:="my pointer content"
$col:=New collection(0; 1; 2; 3; ->$var)

$found:=Util_FindPtrInCol($col; ->$var; 0; 1)
$found:=Util_FindPtrInCol($col; "my pointer content"; 0; 2)