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Tech Note: 4D for iOS: User Signup & Custom Login Form
PRODUCT: 4D for iOS | VERSION: 19 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: October 28, 2021

4D for iOS offers a variety of benefits to developers, including extension of their current 4D applications into the iOS realm. It also allows developers to quickly build modern iOS apps plugged into a 4D backend. Using 4D for iOS, this technical note will demonstrate how to rapidly develop an iOS app and connect it to 4D. In addition, to grow the userbase for the app, new users must be able to sign up, and their credentials must be stored securely in the 4D database. This way, when a user attempts to log in from the app, their credentials will be authenticated against the database of users. This technical note will also demonstrate how to implement a 4D for iOS custom login with password form and a user signup system with web form. A new user will be able to sign up for the application and store their email and password securely in 4D, so that they can log in from the iOS app with those credentials.

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