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Tech Tip: Utility Method to Remove Trailing & Leading Character from String
Published On: January 31, 2022

This utility method helps remove any leading or trailing character from a string. This can be helpful for removing unwanted characters from the beginning and ends of a string (extra spaces, carriage returns, etc.). The first parameter takes in a string to modify and the second parameter lets the developer specify a character to remove if it is found in the beginning or end of the string.

Method : Util_RemoveLTCharactersInString
Description : This method removes leading and trailing characters from the string passed in $1.
It removes the character passed in $2
Parameters :
$1 (Text) - String to remove leading and trailing charcters from
$2 (Text) - Character to remove from the beginnin and end of string
$0 (Text) - String with leading and trailing characters removed
C_TEXT($0; $1; $2; $string_t; $toRemove)
C_BOOLEAN($localBreak; $blockBreak)

If (Count parameters=2)
    Case of
      //remove the leading and trailing character passed in $2
      : ($string_t=("@"+$toRemove)) | ($string_t=($toRemove+"@"))
          Case of
          : ($string_t=("@"+$toRemove))
            $string_t:=Delete string($string_t; Length($string_t)-Length($toRemove)+1; Length($toRemove))
          : ($string_t=($toRemove+"@"))
            $string_t:=Delete string($string_t; 1; Length($toRemove))
          : (True)
          End case
        Until ($blockBreak)
      : (True)
    End case
  Until ($localBreak)
End if

In this example, the leading and trailing carriage return characters are removed.

$returnString_t:=Util_RemoveLTCharactersInString($string_t; Char(13))