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Tech Tip: Changing Google Drive directory on macOS in order to be visible by 4D
Published On: July 26, 2022

When working with Google Drive with 4D on macOS, the default Google Drive location is actually stored into a dedicated hidden volume which cannot be seen by 4D and would lead to errors when reading and writing 4D files stored in that hidden volume.

To resolve this issue, change the Google Drive directory location in a non-hidden directory like within the Users folder (E.G. /Users/elui/Library/GoogleDrive) and 4D files should be readable and writable.

Commented by Bette Piacente on March 10, 2023 at 8:29 AM
Apple released an API called File Provider and is forcing the Google Drive to live in the ~/Library/CloudStorage folder. 4D can no save or read files in this location. Each user's Google Drive includes their email address at the end of the folder name! We had set up each user's Google Drive in the User directory as instructed by 4D Tech last year. This is no longer allowed. Once the move is done by macOS, there is no moving back! This is extremely damaging to our workflows.