When working with 4D user preferences are stored to maintain some of the configurations based on the current local user. An example is the window sizes and position. In a binary mode database, the preferences are stored in a directory based on the OS user.
/Users/{OS User}/Library/Application Support/4D/{4D Database}
C:\Users\{OS User}\AppData\Roaming\4D\{4D Database}
In project mode this has changed and the preferences are now stored in the project's directory next to the Project folder that contains the .4DProject file. A folder of the preferences will be created for each OS user with the folder name
userPreference.{OS User}
Something to keep in mind is that when sending a project mode database to someone else, the preferences folder can be removed/deleted to reduce the size and number of files as well as not including an additional way of preventing an OS user's name from being spread around.