Tech Tip: Access and Edit Backup Settings in a Compiled Project Database
Published On: November 21, 2022
In a compiled 4D database, all of the files and folders associated with the project—including its data files—get neatly zipped into a single .4DZ file. When running this database, you may access its backup settings under structure settings but may not edit them (see below):
If you wish to configure the backup settings while working with a compiled database, you can use the workaround below:
- In the uncompiled version of the database, go to Settings > Security > Options > check “Enable User Settings” > click OK.
- Close 4D as you will need to rearrange the data files. Go to the folder where the .4DZ file is located. On the same level as this .4DZ file, create a new folder named, “Data”. Put the following files/folder into this newly created folder:
- data.4DD
- data.journal
- data.Match*
- Logs folder*
- Reopen the .4DZ file. A pop-up window will appear saying no data file was found. Click "Open", and select the .4DD file that was just moved into the "Data" folder you just created. Click "Open" again.
- 4D should now be running. Go to File > Settings... > User Settings for Data file... > Backup. The settings should now be editable.

*You may not have this file and folder when rearranging files at this step; continue with just the data.4DD and data.journal files. The data.Match and Logs folder will automatically be created once 4D is opened.