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Tech Tip: 4D Remote Web Server Settings
Published On: February 22, 2023

The 4D Web Server can ran from a 4D Server, Standalone 4D, or 4D Remote Client. To manage the Web Server settings, the Database Settings window should be opened from the scope of the running application.

If the database settings is opened when the structure is opened in Standalone 4D or 4D Server, the settings will apply to the Web Server that is ran from any of these two executions. However, with a 4D Web Server ran on a 4D Remote client, the only way to access it's web settings is to open the Database Settings from a 4D Remote client.

This distinction is shown with the Web section selector's label on the Database Settings window.
The section selector will show just "Web" if the settings applies to the "Main" web server that is ran on 4D Standalone and 4D Server:

When the Database Settings window is opened on a 4D Remote Client, the selector will display "Web (client)":

This distinction is due to the posibility of running the web server from both a 4D Server and connected 4D Remote Client. Depending on where the Web Server will be running from, the settings should be applied in the proper settings.

Commented by Jody Bevan on March 4, 2023 at 9:24 AM
Just a few 'typing' errors: 'ran' should always be 'run' in this Tech Tip. In the last paragraph - 'posibility' should be possibility. Sorry, but I stumble on these when I read through it - OCD...